Monday, November 10, 2008

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RE: Candy or Bad Girl Sex? What is a 6 yr old supposed to think?‏
sheri linder (
Mon 11/10/08 1:07 PM

I am sorry if I did not make my self clear. It is permissable under law to be whatever you want to be as long as you adhere to the standards put forth by the industry. There definitely is a time and place for frank talk about sex. I am merely trying to protect young girls from acquiring this information before they are mature enough (emotionally, physically and spiritually). Just this week it was reported that teen girls who view sexual topics on popular TV shows have a higher rate of teenage pregnancy. It goes without saying that abortion and STD rates are higher in that population as well.
I am asking for Cosmopolitan to remove sexual content on the front cover. If you are unwilling to do that, can you cover the titles with a censoring cover? The "Red Hot Read"in the November issue reads in red bold letters (pg242), "Slowly, he explored and caressed every part of her body, using his lips and tongue and hands." Talk of stroking erections and dipping of tongues is also on this page. Sorry, I am trying not to be lewd, I am merely reading your content back to you. I am assuming you are over 18? How confusing and damaging for a 12 yr old girl to be exposed to this content.
One thing that must be enforced is that you must be 18 years old to purchase Cosmopolitan or enter the website. It should also be limited to the "adult" section of a store, not in the checkout aisle next to "Good Housekeeping", "Fall Crafts" and "Taste of Home". I agree that reading Cosmo is not a crime if you are 18 and older.
The concepts of having casual sex, how to "keep" a guy, and arousing soft pornography have no place in a child's mind. In fact it is robbing a child of their sweet innocence that is taken too quickly these days anyway. Women who purchase Cosmo need to be reminded that like pornography, it should be stored out of sight and reach of children. Hillary, please forward this to some of your superiors, I'd love to hear their opinion and reasoning on the content and merchandising of your publication.

Date: Fri, 7 Nov 2008 10:47:22 -0500
Subject: Re: Candy or Bad Girl Sex? What is a 6 yr old supposed to think?

Hi Sheri,Thank you for your email. While we value feedback, our regular readers appreciate the frank, well-researched sexual advice we feature in Cosmo, and expect it. That core content has helped to make Cosmo the most successful women’s magazine in the world.
Best,Hillary BusisEditorial Intern

On 11/6/08 8:11 AM, "sheri linder" wrote:

I am a mom of a 6 yr old girl and we were in Target at the checkout line when she asked me, "mom, what is bad girl sex?" I am very concerned about your magazine not having a brown paper cover over it. I have brought this issue to Target's corporate office as they say they are "concerned about our communities and education". "Are you normal down there?" Are you trying to empower women? What is the purpose of Cosmo? Soft-porn fiction, body image issues, how to keep a man, Bad Girl sex? Freedom of press, I know, but what about a young child's innocence and purity? I challenge you to place a cover over the cover headlines or better yet, no headlines on the front cover. People who buy Cosmo will continue if that is path they want to take. Research has shown that there is higher teen pregnancy in teens exposed to sexual "references" in TV shows. A six year old beginning reader in the checkout line should only have to battle the candy temptation. Please keep me posted on your progress, I have a lot of concerned parents behind me on this. Sincerely, Sheri Linder

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

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Sheri's kids

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Target responding!!

Called corporate offices at Target. Spoke to supervisor who understood the brevity of the situation and assured me she was calling the Richardson store(where pics were taken) , turning the report immediately to the specialist who handles merchandising and public complaints and that I would hear from them soon. Praise God and the Holy Spirit who uses my gifts to bring his light into darkness.

Here is the number for your complaints: 1-800-440-0680

Cosmopolitan Magazine Customer Service

Cosmopolitan Magazine Customer Service

Watermark Community Church: The ABCs of Watermark

Watermark Community Church: The ABCs of Watermark

Pornography Awareness Week | Facebook

Pornography Awareness Week Facebook: "National Coalition Marks Pornography Awareness Week

The National Coalition urges citizens to inform their communities about the issue of pornography during Pornography Awareness Week, which runs October 26 through November 2.

Following are ways citizens can mark Pornography Awareness Week:

* Write your mayor and governor urging them to publicly declare Pornography Awareness Week.
* Host a breakfast or luncheon where public officials would issue a proclamation.
* Write your U.S. Attorney General and urge him or her to enforce federal obscenity laws that govern the mailing, interstate transportation, importing, broadcasting, cable casting, telephone transmission and computer transmission of obscenity.
* Plan a series of events – like a rally, training session or public assembly – during the week to draw attention to the issue.
* Write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper explaining the harmful effects of pornography and mentioning the White Ribbon Campaign, which features citizens wearing and displaying white ribbons to heighten awareness of the cultural problem of pornography.
* Commend in writing or in person the proprietors of stores that do not carry pornography.
* Publicly recognize people who work with sex abuse survivors – such as rape crisis counselors. Initiate an appreciation meal in their honor.
* Contact your local media outlets to let them know how you are observing Pornography Awareness Week.

The National Coalition provides written materials and resources, as well as consultation for citizens who want to get involved in their communities. For more information, visit the National Coalition’s website"

Concerned Women for America - States

Concerned Women for America - States

Mom, what is bad girl sex?

Do you really want to have your first talk about sex to be in the check-out line at your local grocery store?
The look on your face tells her, "wow, I need to know more about this".

Usually, in the checkout line I have the common conversation with my kids, "no, you cannot have M&Ms!" today S&M was being discussed? And we wonder why girls are becoming sexually active at alarmingly younger ages.

Help me with this issue. A childs purity is a precious gift from God, as parents and Christ followers, I believe it is up to us to take these things out of the eyes and minds of our children. Of God's children.

Bring this issue to your church, your local stores that sell Cosmopolitan and to God. Ask your friends and your children's friends parents to join you in discussion about how you will equip your children to defend their purity and values when faced with these issues.

Send this blog to all your friends!

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